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Clifton Public Library Patron Satisfaction Survey

The Clifton Public Library seeks to serve our community and its needs. Please fill out our brief survey to help us better serve you.

1.      Have you ever visited our library before?
2. When checking out materials, what are (or would be) your primary interests? (Please check all that apply)
3. What are the best ways for you to hear about library programs/events?
5. Do you find our staff to be pleasant and helpful?

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us any time either by phone at (815) 694-2069, in-person at 150 E 4th Ave., or through our contact page on our website: You can also find us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

Tia Varns, Director

Clifton Public Library
150 E 4th Ave.
Clifton, IL 60927

Phone/Fax: (815) 694-2069

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