Library Activities/Services Re-starting
We will resume our BINGO game on Friday, July 3rd. We hope that you still have your cards and will stop by to see the numbers being drawn on Tuesdays and Fridays. Two numbers are drawn on each of those days for a total of 4 numbers being drawn per week. The winner gets to split-the-pot. Card sales will continue at that time, too. 3 cards for $5 or 10 for $9. Cards may be purchased all the way until a winner is announced.

Summer Reading will be done a little differently this year. The program officially starts Monday, July 6th, but, starting now, children may stop by to pick up a reading log. The theme title is "Worm into a Good Book." Participants may read any book they would like-it does not have to come from our library. Prizes and crafts will be available starting July 10th. Children [and their parent(s)/guardian(s)] will come into the library to present their log showing they have reached a goal, then choose a prize from the selection available. There will be no pizza party this year. Program ends Friday, July 31st.

Inter-library loan: you may start making requests again on June 28th. Deliveries resume on July 1st, with deliveries every weekday.
Notice to patrons with items that were due June 7th: if these items are returned by June 30th, we will waive any over due fees as a courtesy to you. You may put them in the drop box or bring them into the library. Please refer to our website for our modified hours.